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Getting started

We’ll show you how to successfully call our REST and SOAP APIs with your own application.

We provide our API service definition in both JSON and YAML formats. These can be converted to client-side code using various online tools.

Get onboarded with us in four easy steps

  1. Choose the best integration model for your business
  2. Map your data to sample requests
  3. Test our APIs on a non-production endpoint
  4. Connect your customers with your whitelisted IP


Allianz APIs

You can use any combination of our APIs to meet your business needs. These options depend on how you plan to use each API. For example, you might want your customers to get a price estimate directly, or you may prefer it to be communicated via your sales team. Some people may also prefer an API that uses REST.

These APIs are divided into two categories: Price Estimate and other APIs. The Price Estimate APIs are purely focused on providing your customers with an indicative quote. The other API let you perform other tasks like referring a customer, purchasing a product, and retrieving a certificate of currency.


Price Estimate APIs


Price Estimate – Assisted
Formerly Indicative Quote POS
Price Estimate – Send email
Formerly Indicative Quote safety net
Price Estimate – Self-Service
Formerly Indicative quote Self Service
Price Estimate – Get Summary
Formerly Indicative Quote Get Summary
Price Estimate – Get Rating Factors
Formerly IQ Rating Factors API
REST-based REST-based REST-based REST-based REST-based
✓ Home
✓ Landlord
✓ Motor
✗ Caravan and trailer
✓ Home
✓ Landlord
✓ Motor
✗ Caravan and trailer
✓ Home
✓ Landlord
✓ Motor
✗ Caravan and trailer
✓ Home
✓ Landlord
✓ Motor
✗ Caravan and trailer
✓ Home
✓ Landlord
✓ Motor
✗ Caravan and trailer
Provides instant insurance price estimates based on your existing customer data. Delivers insurance quotes directly to customers during the loan approval or purchase journey. Provides Insurance quotes directly to customers, via their internet banking. Obtains details about previously provided estimates using a unique identifier. Fetches the facts, assumptions and premium details of the price estimate.


Other APIs


Instant Lead Referral Get Details – Assisted Get Details – Self-Service Get Certificate of Currency
Formally Spot and Refer Formally Quote and Bind Formally Internet Banking  
SOAP-based SOAP-based SOAP-based SOAP-based
✓ Home
✓ Landlord
✓ Motor
✓ Caravan and trailer
✓ Home
✓ Landlord
✓ Motor
✓ Caravan and trailer
✓ Home
✓ Landlord
✓ Motor
✓ Caravan and trailer
✓ Home
✓ Landlord
✓ Motor
✗ Caravan and trailer
Helps push insurance sales to us. Leads are followed up by our team on your company’s behalf. Helps your sales representatives purchase policies on behalf of your customers. Provides Insurance quotes directly to customers visa internet banking. Fetches your customer’s Certificate of Currency on their behalf.


Connectivity test

You can check if you can connect to our API using tools like cURL, Telnet or Postman.

Using Telnet

To test connectivity with Telnet, do the following from each whitelisted host:

telnet 446

The host and port might be different depending on the environment, so check the list for each specific environment.

Using cURL

Here’s how to set up a request with basic authorisation:

  1. Create a string in the format: username:password
  2. Convert the string to Base64
  3. Add an "Authorisation" header with "Basic" followed by the encoded string. For example, the string "fred:fred" becomes "ZnJlZDpmcmVk" in base64, so your request would look like this:

curl -v -X PUT -d '{}' -H "Authorization: Basic ZnJlZDpmcmVk" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

For motor-related requests, use this URL:"

You might need to specify the path to your local trust store that contains the Allianz certificate. For more details, head to: certs.html


Security model

We have several security measures in place for our API:

  1. We use HTTPS to encrypt data when it’s being sent between your system and ours
  2. Both SOAP and REST services will use SSL certificates over HTTPS for security
  3. A hardware IP Firewall will only allow communication from a list of trusted IPs.



We use HTTPS to encrypt any data sent between your system and our API. This uses TLS (x509 certs) with SSL certificates. We’ll give you these certificates before you start connecting.

Transport level encryption (over HTTPS) will be used to encrypt data during transmission between the partner system and the Allianz Integration API. HTTPS will use TLS (x509 certs). Allianz will provide these certificates to the partner prior to commencement of connectivity.


Username and password credentials are partner system and environment specific. Allianz will provide these details prior to commencement of partner connectivity.


REST request headers

The following custom HTTP headers need to be added to each API invocation for traceability purposes. All fields are mandatory.

HTTP header HTTP type Description Example
MessageId String A UUID generated by the originating system. This is unique for each message. "45af579b-38f2-47c4-9894-42ece56a6702"
CorrelationId String A UUID generated by the originating system which is unique to each transaction.
It can be the same as the MessageId string if the service call represents the entire business transaction.
X-Global-Transaction-ID String A UUID generated by the originating system which is unique for each transaction. This is the same as CorrelationId. “349c81ed-c4a8-41c0-bdd9-66804b7b5c51”
MessageDateTime String The date and time the message was created or sent in UTC.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
“2017-10-12 10:00:20 +1100”
BusinessId String The main identifier for the business transaction in your system.
E.g. transaction numbers, home loan numbers and finance application numbers.
UserId String The business user performing the transaction in your system. “BIZUSER123”
ApplicationName String Identifies your system when you call our API. “PARTNERSYSTEMA”


REST-based error codes

When there’s an error or the response is unsuccessful, you will receive an alert message with the following information:

  • The HTTP response code
  • A message explaining the error
  • The field or object where the error occurred (if available)
HTTP code for all products Description
200 – Ok OK success code
201 – Created Created success code
204 – No content No content success code for delete and patch requests
300 – Multiple list The value returned when an external ID exists in more than one record. The Response body contains list of matching records
304 – Not modified This is the response code to an If-Modified-Since or IfNone-Match header, where the URL has not been modified since the specified date
400 – Bad request The server did not understand the request
400 – Bad request
Address is not rateable
400 – Bad request
Suburb is not matched to postcode
400 – Bad request
Returned harmony address postcode/suburb does not match to input postcode/suburb
400 – Bad request
Input address is a postal address
400 – Bad request
Harmony service is down
401 – Unauthorised The requested page needs a username and a password
403 – Forbidden Access is forbidden to the requested page
404 – Not found The server cannot find the requested page
405 – Method not allowed The method specified in the request is not allowed
409 – Not acceptable The server can only generate a response that is not accepted by the client
412 – Precondition failed The pre-condition given in the request evaluated to false by the server
414 – Request URL too long The server will not accept the request, because the URL is too long. Occurs when you convert a "post" request to a "get" request with a long query information
415 – Unsupported media type The server will not accept the request, because the media type is not supported
500 – Internal server error The request was not completed. The server met an unexpected condition


HTTP codes for motor products Description
400 – DOB mission/not included We didn’t recognise the date of birth. Please check you’ve entered it and try again
400 – DOB is a future date
E.g. 21/03/2050
The date of birth can’t be in future. Please check and try again.
400 – DOB less than 16 years from today’s date
E.g. 21/3/2022
We don’t insure people under 16 years old. Please make sure the policy holder will be at least 16 at the start of the policy.
400 – Invalid DOB
E.g. 21/13/1980
We don’t recognise the date of birth. Please check you've entered it correctly and try again.
400 – Registration invalid We couldn’t find the vehicle registration. Please check it is correct and try again.
400 – VIN invalid We couldn’t find the vehicle VIN. Please check it is correct and try again.
400 – Redbook invalid We couldn’t find the vehicle redbook code. Please check it is correct and try again.
400 – Can’t find vehicle details
Vehicle details don’t match
We couldn’t find the details of the vehicle. Please check the condition, year, make and model and try again.
400 – Performance vehicle, can’t provide an IQ
Vehicle code is ‘P’
Unfortunately, we can't provide an indicative quote on this vehicle. You can complete a standard quote instead.
400 – Uninsurable vehicle
E.g. commercial products, Volkswagen Crafter, RAM, LDBs Tonnage use 
Vehicle code is ‘D’
Unfortunately, we can't provide an indicative quote on this vehicle.
400 – Referral can’t provide an IQ
Vehicle code is ‘R’
Unfortunately, we can't provide an indicative quote on this vehicle. You can complete a standard quote instead


SOAP request headers

For traceability purposes, these custom SOAP headers need to be included in every API call. This means all fields are mandatory.

SOAP Request header SOAP type Description Example
MessageId String A UUID generated by the originating system. This is unique for every message. “f960f054-2fb2-472d-bfc9-b561abac8d71"
CorrelationId String A UUID generated by the originating system which is unique to each transaction.
It can be the same as the MessageId string if the service call represents the entire business transaction.
MessageDateTime String The date and time the message was created or sent in UTC.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
“2017-03-20 16:28:19”
BusinessId String The main identifier for the business transaction in your system.
E.g. transaction numbers, home loan numbers and finance application numbers.
UserId String The business user performing the transaction in your system. “Test User Id”
ApplicationName String Identifies your system when you call our API. “Test SYSTEM”
SystemVendorId String A code for your organisation which is logged in our system. “Test”
SystemVendorName String The name of your organisation which is logged in our system. “Test”
VendorProductName String The name of your application which is logged in our system “Test SYSTEM”
VendorProductVersion String The version of your application. It lets us map changes without the need to modify namespaces. “1”


SOAP-based error codes


Error type How to fix it Sample response
B2B Processing Error:
If a system error occurs, implying there’s a coding bug or reference data is not synchronised, you’ll get a SOAP-FAULT response.
Use the fault code to direct the customer to the appropriate call centre or helpdesk. Specific error codes should be defined when you conduct your system integration tests. <NS1:Fault xmlns:NS1=; <faultcode>TBD</faultcode> <faultstring>More details here</faultactor> </NS1:Fault>
B2B Processing Error (alternative)
If a system error occurs, implying there’s a coding bug or reference data is not synchronised, you’ll get a SOAP-FAULT response.
In the case of a SOAP-FAULT, the "detail" section may change without notice. It’s for support staff and should be checked during integration testing. <soapenv:Fault xmlns:NS1=""> <faultcode>TBD</faultcode> <faultstring>WMB_SocketException</faultstring> <detail>A Web Service request has detected a SOCKET error ...</detail> </soapenv:Fault>
B2B Error
If there’s an invalid intermediary ID, the sales application will return an error status code.
Other errors will result in SOAP faults or HTTP transport errors and will need IT support to resolve them. <ns2:MessageResult> <ns2:StatusCode>Invalid</ns2:StatusCode> <ns2:ExtendedStatus> <ns2:EntityId></ns2:EntityId> <ns2:EntityType>Intermediary</ns2:EntityType> <ns2:ElementPath>IntermediaryId</ns2:ElementPath> <ns2:StatusCode>INVALID</ns2:StatusCode> <ns2:MessageCode>REQUIRED</ns2:MessageCode> </ns2:ExtendedStatus> </ns2:MessageResult>
Browser-based login error
If there’s an error during the SSO login, the browser will redirect to a login failure page.
You’ll need to exit the browser and restart the process from your system.  
Browser-based processing error
If a system error occurs during the SSO login, the browser will redirect to an error page.
You’ll need to exit the browser and restart the process from your partner system. You could also try pressing “F5” or “Back”.  


Environment URLs



API name URL
getPolicySummary…{intermediaryId}&token={tokenised_ uuid}
policyLeadService WMB_GATEWAY_EXT/DP_GW/lead
getCertificateOfCurrency s/rest/v1/policy/document?doctype=coc&policyid=163S360675CMP&p artnercode=TESTPARTNER


User acceptance test

API name URL
getPolicySummary…{intermediaryId}&token={tok enised_uuid}
policyLeadService ad
getCertificateOfCurrency… rcode=TESTPARTNER


Reference data for Home products

Only the code values in the below tables should be used in API request payload. For example, the title ‘Father’ should be FAHR and the street type ‘Street’ should be ST in the request.

Reference data Code Description
Structure.BuildingStyleCode (type of building) H House on slab/foundations
D House on poles
U Flat/unit/apartment
S Terrace/semi
T Villa/town house
V Retirement village unit
L Holiday home
R Relocatable home
G Granny flat
C Caravan
M Mobile home
N Nursing home unit
O Other
B Under construction
Structure.Construction.TypeCode (exterior walls) D Double brick
V Brick veneer
T Timber/weatherboard
E Steel
C Concrete/hebel
F Fibro/Asbestos cement
Z Stone/sandstone
P Polystyrene
M Mud brick
O Other construction
Structure.Roof.TypeCode (Roof type) C Concrete tiles
F Fibro
M Metal/iron/colourbond
S Slate
T Tile
P Copper
R Tin
O Other
I Shingle
H Thatched
Person.PersonTitlePrefix MR Mister – used for adult men
MRS Missus – used for married women
MISS Used for unmarried women
MS A neutral title for women, regardless of marital status
DR Doctor – used for individual with a doctoral or medical degree
ESTL Estate of the late
FAHR Father
HON The honourable – used for judges, certain public officials, or members of legislature
REV Reverend – used for members of the clergy
SIR A title of knighthood in the UK, used before the first name of a knight
SR Senior – used to distinguish a father from his son when they have the same name
Occupancy codes Owner An owner who resides in the property
Landlord An owner who rents out their property to others
Tenant Someone who occupies a property from the landlord
Boarder A person who rents a room within a property
Unoccupied A property that is not currently being used or lived in by anyone
residentialStatus (residential status) O Owner
R Renter
U Other
Tax statuses Partial Only needs to pay taxes for part of the year due to certain residency or income circumstances
Input This typically refers to supplies that do not charge GST – like loans and bank fees
Taxable This is the status of income, transactions, or entities that are subject to taxation
Boarder A person who rents a room within a property
Unoccupied A property that is not currently being used or lived in by anyone
employmentStatus (employment status) FT Full time
PT Part time
UN Unemployed
RT Retired
ST Student
SE Self-employed
HD Home duties
Address.StateOrProvinceCode Value passed should be a valid PAF/Australia Post value.
Address.PostalCode Value passed should be a valid PAF/Australia Post value.
Address.CountryCode Use "AUS" for Australia. Value passed should be a valid PAF/Australia Post value.
Address.LineOneDetails.AddressNumberCode Value passed should be a valid PAF/Australia Post value.
Address.LineOneDetails.StreetTypeCode Value passed should be a valid PAF/Australia Post value. Street type lookup the street type code lookup is from Australia Post that is available on url:
Address.LineOneDetails.SubdwellingCode Value passed should be a valid PAF/Australia Post value.
Address.LineOneDetails.SubdwellingLevel Value passed should be a valid PAF/Australia Post value.


Reference data for Motor products

Only the code values in the below tables should be used in API request payload. For example, the garage code ‘Carport’ should be C and the finance code ‘Lease’ should be L in the request.

Reference data Code Description
Vehicle business reference codes 333 Consulate vehicle
328 Couriers or delivery services
326 Driving instructor/school
330 Fast food delivery
335 Hold flammable/dangerous goods
332 Other
331 Racing trials/sporting events
329 Security patrol
327 Taxi services
334 Used as hearse or funeral car
325 Vehicle is used for hire
Vehicle finance codes X No finance
B Bank loan (secured)
O Bill of sale
C Corporate hire purchase
U Credit union (secured)
F Finance Co (secured)
H Hire purchase
E Home equity loan
L Lease
N Novated lease
P Personal loan (secured)
S Personal loan (unsecured)
Vehicle garage codes C Carport
D Parked in driveway (off street)
G Garage
S Parked on street
Vehicle community frequency codes 1 Up to 10,000km
2 10,001 to 15,000km
3 15,001 to 20,000km
4 20,000 and above
claimType (type of claim) AN Damage caused by an animal
AR Fire (not arson)
CO Collision or damage – not at fault
MD Vandalism or arson
SH Storm or hail damage
TA Theft of accessories from car
WD Windscreen damage to a vehicle
AF Collision or damage – at fault
DK Parked damage – responsible party identified
DU Parked damage – responsible party unidentified
TC Theft of car
code (vehicle use) P Private use
R Ride share
B Business use




AAL Allianz Australia Limited.
cURL A command-line tool and library used for transferring data within URLs.
DPI Distribution Point Identifier.

The estimate is also called a price estimate, indicative quote, indicative price or policy estimate.

The information provided by your customer (such as during the loan process) are called facts. These facts, along with Allianz assumptions, are used to create an estimate.

Once they have the estimate, your sales consultant can choose to:

  • Complete the quote for your customer
  • Refer your customer to our contact centre where we can help them complete the quote
  • Send your customer an email with a summary of the estimate. They can then complete the quote themselves.
FI A financial Institute like a bank or mortgage broker.
IQ Indicative Quote – this is how we previously referred to Price Estimate.
Json JavaScript Object Notation – a lightweight, text-based format used to present structured data.
Notification (message)

A message between two systems with either no response or just an acknowledgement.

Also called asynchronous processing.

PE Price Estimate (referred to as an indicative quote).
Postman Lets you send various types of HTTP requests to test APIs.

This contains confirmed information (facts) from the customer, with no assumptions. It can be completed by either the customer or consultant.

It can also be called full quote or a real quote.

Quote summary

This is the summary information of the quote and can be used to track how it’s progressing. It doesn’t include any estimate information.

This can also be called a policy summary.

REST An architectural style for designing networked applications.
Request (message) A message between two systems where there is response. This can be synchronous (block waiting) or asynchronous.
Synchronous calls An interaction where the caller waits for the callee to complete its operation before continuing.
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol API – a messaging protocol that lets applications communicate with each other.
SSL certificate Secure Sockets Layer – this is a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and web browser.
SSO Single sign-on – an authentication process that lets a user access multiple applications with a single set of login credentials.
Telnet A network protocol that lets uses remotely access and manage devices or servers over a TCP/IP network.
TLS Transport Layer Security.
UTC Coordinated Universal Time – used globally as a reference for all time zones.
UUID Universally Unique Identifier – used to identify information across systems.
VIN Vehicle Identification Number – a unique 17-character code used to identify individual vehicles. It provides details like make, model and engine type.
Whitelist IP This is a trusted IP address that has permission to interact with our APIs.
XML eXtensible Markup Language – a markup language designed to store and transport data in a structured and readable format.
YAML YAML Ain’t Markup Language – used to configure files and exchange data between systems.

About us

We build custom-fit developer portals in Drupal, a proven enterprise-ready technology with a large consultant and developer community.


Getting started
Rerefence Documentation

API catalog

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category for hover
